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Bathurst Season In Shippigan's Hands
Posted: 9/21/2004 By Pacey Witter
Bathurst - With the season coming to an end and a very tight playoff race going on who would have thought that the Tigers would play such a key role in the playoff race for one team. With things coming down to the wire the team that the Titan have to worry about Shippigan? That's right the Tigers have 8 games remaining 3 of those games are against Taintville which currently sit 1 point up on the Titan, Shippigan's other 5 games come against none other than our beloved Titan. Some may say that this is a good things but other may look and see that besides Harcout, Bathurst is the only team that the Tigers are playing 500 hockey against. So far this season the two teams faced each other 4 times with each team taking two a peice. The one plus to this for the Titan is that they outscored the Tigers 16-11. When asked about the whole sitituation Coach Martin said "Well we may not have been playing our best hockey of the season since we traded away DiMaio but luckly for us the other teams that are in the hunt with us are playing just as bad. Right now we are working on getting everything together and playing more like a team right now on off days we are running 2-a-day practices until the seasons end, we shouldn't be lossing to teams like Shippigan." So people think that the coaching staff may have just gone crazy two practices in a day everyday that just crazy. However team captain Stephane Richer cleared things up "It's not really 2 a day... well it is but the first one is a manditory one while the one in the evening is optional but on most nights almost all the player show up for both. Right now the way everyone is looking at it is when we were kids growning up our goal was to playing in the ASHL and take home the Stanley Cup and we've come this far we aren't going to take a chance and lose it." So while things are getting tough in Bathurst the players and staff are working twice as hard to make it to the playoffs.
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